< 顯微學-微塵埃 Microscopy >
- Title | Microscopy - the dust
- Year | 2020
- Size | Frame: 23 cm in diameter with variable shadow size.
- Media | Iron frame, fabrics, plastic
- Description |
A microscope is a window showing a variety of life possibilities on the planet. Even in a speck of dust, there is a world inside. I'd like to mimic the way of observing things with a microscope and finding how marvellous of nature.
Therefore, I combined different types of white fabrics to create a kind of flat and invisible feelings in the front with a microscope-style window frame, while there is a complicated grey-scales in the shadow in which symbolising those hidden and unseen living things.
- 名稱:顯微學-微塵埃
- 年份:2020年
- 尺寸:外框23公分,影子作品尺寸可依實際場地調整。
- 媒材:可動式鐵框、布、塑膠
- 簡介:
- アーティスト| Weiyun Chang
- タイトル | 顕微鏡 - ほこり
- 年|2020
- サイズ|フレーム直径23cm、ヴァリアブル影
- ミディア |鉄のフレーム、布、プラスチック
- 解説|